Silence zone

“In-Between” by Magdalena Nowatkowska is a painting that stands out for its minimalist approach to the subject, focusing on subtle details and the use of space as the main compositional element. The dominant, almost monochromatic space of white is decisive here. It dominates, interrupted only by delicate, geometric color accents at the edges of the painting.


The lower part of the painting features thin, horizontal lines, stripes of varying widths and colors, resembling a horizon—a geometric level of existence.


On the left side, at the edge of the painting, a subtle vertical stripe appears, adding depth and dynamics to the whole. It separates or connects different states or worlds, spaces.


The predominant white of the canvas is not merely a background; it is a key element, the titular “In-Between.” It represents the invisible or unseen yet significant aspects. It encompasses the undiscovered areas of our lives and experiences. White can be interpreted as a metaphor for the unspoken, the unknown, as well as a symbol of purity and infinite possibilities.

The artist encourages the viewer to reflect on what is invisible but simultaneously present and influential. She shifts the perspective on how we view not only art but also the reality around us, urging a deeper reflection on what we notice daily and what usually remains unnoticed.

Cykl In-Between
Rok ukończenia 2024
Autor Magdalena Nowatkowska
Technika Acrylic on cotton canvas

74 x 54 x 4 cm / 29.1 x 21.3 x 1.6 (w ramie)

70 x 50 x 2 cm / 27.5 x 19.7x 0.9 (bez ramy)

Numer inwentarzowy P001
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