First signal

This painting, which is part of the “Limits” series, addresses the question of the limits of human identity by reducing the human figure to a simple, abstract sign—in this case, a vertical linear form. The minimalist shape, consisting of a single white element against a deep, brick-burgundy background, becomes a metaphor for a universal code of existence, in which the individual is both present and almost erased, reduced to an essence that can be interpreted as the boundary between being and non-being.


The background is not merely a context but also stands in opposition to the white line—a kind of infinity juxtaposed with the finiteness of the sign.


The white form, slender and isolated, is the central element of the painting. It symbolizes the human as an individual—simplified, stripped of detail, yet intensely present. Here, the figure lacks the characteristic lines seen in earlier works; it does not possess clearly marked boundaries. The boundaries are merely conventional—something akin to separating body from space, mind from matter, individuality from the collective. In this way, the painting references philosophical considerations on the essence of humanity.


It is a cipher of identity—a code, an abstract record of what makes us human. A sign that can be read by the viewer in different ways, depending on their perspective. Is a human being just a record of data, a genotype, or a pattern for interpretation by a greater order?


The vertical form suggests direction: upward and downward. It may refer to transcendence, a journey from earthly existence toward something higher, yet it is also rooted in a specific moment, making it a symbol of the fleeting “now.”


Here, the boundary as a concept is dynamic—it is not merely a point of separation, but rather a point of contact and possibility.

Series Limits
Year completed 2024
Autor Magdalena Nowatkowska
Technique Acrylic on cotton canvas

74 x 54 x 4 cm / 29.1 x 21.3 x 1.6 (framed)

70 x 50 x 2 cm / 27.6 x 19.7 x 0.8 (without frame)

Inventory G126
Availability available
Wszystkie cykle malarskie
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G035:Zanzibar - Limits
Magdalena Nowatkowska - Borrowed Images - Z004: Z004
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G015:Women in red panties - Limits
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G012:Women in ecstasy - Limits
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G079:Within the Frame of the Body - Limits
Whispers of Movement
Magdalena Nowatkowska - B002:Untitled - Nondimentional
Magdalena Nowatkowska - B004:Untitled - Nondimentional
Magdalena Nowatkowska - B005:Untitled - Nondimentional
Magdalena Nowatkowska - B006:Untitled - Nondimentional
Magdalena Nowatkowska - B007: Bez tytułu - Bezwymiar
Magdalena Nowatkowska - B008 - Nondimentional
Magdalena Nowatkowska - Dimentionless Geometric compositions - B009: Untitled
Magdalena Nowatkowska - Dimentionless Geometric compositions - B010: Untitled
Unread signals
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G029:Under the cover of night - Limits
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G033:Umbrella - Limits
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G028:U- Limits
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G009:Twins - Limits
Magdalena Nowatkowska - Limits - G104: Trio
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G059: Time - Limits
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G006:The plane is slightly inclined - Limits
The essence of being
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G039:Terracotta - Limits
Supreme Council
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G046:Summer - Limits
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G014:Story - Limits
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G063 - Solace - Limits
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G003:Sky - Limits
Sine wave
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G071: Silhouettes in Dialogue - Limits
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G068 - Silent Symphony - Limits
Magdalena Nowatkowska - In-Between - P001: Silence zone
Signals of life
Signals of coexistence
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G084:Shared Thoughts - Limits
Shared perspective
Shared future
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G070:Sequence of Movement - Limits
Second signal
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G082:Save Haven - Limits
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G094:Roman Holiday - Limits
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G018:Redheads - Limits
Quiet port
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G041:Queue - Limits
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G051:Quests - Limits
Progressive movements
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G081:Portrait with Hope - Limits
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G083:Portrait of Solace - Limits
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G073 - Pink-eyed-Limits
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G026:Pi- Limits
Phantoms II
Phantoms I
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G013:Peak a boo - Limits
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G077:Outline of Existence- Limits
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G085:Out of Curiosity - Limits
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G080:On the Threshold of the Unknown... - Limits
Magdalena Nowatkowska - In-Between - P004: On the sand
Ocean of silence
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G054:Observers - Limits
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G092:Nudist Beach - Limits
Movement symbiosis
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G002:Mother - limits
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G038:Moor - Limits
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G030:Mirror - Limits
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G052:Match - Limits
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G050:Man's head down - Limits
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G060:Longing - Limits
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G067 - Dialogi liniowe - Granice
Magdalena Nowatkowska - In-Between - P003: Light
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G047:Lavender fields - Limits
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G032:L- Limits
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G031:Kinga- Limits
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G055:Invisible gaze - Limits
Magdalena Nowatkowska - Z002:Instalation - Borrowed images
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G062:Infinity II - Limits
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G061:Infinity I - Limits
Magdalena Nowatkowska - Limits - G102: In the Body Labyrinth IV
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G096:In the Body Labyrinth III - Limits
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G095:In the Body Labyrinth II - Limits
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G078:In the Body Labyrinth I - Limits
Magdalena Nowatkowska - Granice - W przestrzeni
In an embrace
Magdalena Nowatkowska - Limits - G106: Immersion
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G004:Honey - Limits
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G043:Heads - Limits
Harmony synthesis
Magdalena Nowatkowska - Limits - G098: Harmony of chaos
Magdalena Nowatkowska - H004:H004 - Horizons
Magdalena Nowatkowska - H003:H003 - Horizons
Magdalena Nowatkowska - H002:H002 - Horizons
Magdalena Nowatkowska - H001:H001 - Horizons
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G044:H - Limits
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G025:Gymnast - Limits
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G001:Girl with her head down - Limits
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G049:Girl's with her head down II - Limits
Geometry of passion
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G040:Gamma - Limits
Full immersion
Fresh signal
Forward flip
First signal
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G066 - Evolution of Lines - Limits
Ethereal signals
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G045:Ecstasy - Limits
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G076:Echoes of Presence II- Limits
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G075:Echoes of Presence I- Limits
Magdalena Nowatkowska - In-Between - P002: Echo
Magdalena Nowatkowska - Limits - G108: Double portrait
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G058:Crowds - limits
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G007:Cream - Limits
Magdalena Nowatkowska - Granice - Kontury współistnienia
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G064 - Consternation - Limits
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G053 - Connection
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G005:Coffee with milk - Limits
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G011:Close - front - Limits
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G010:Close - backwards -Limits
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G042:Calm - Limits
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G017:Brunettes - Limits
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G016:Bridge - Limits
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G089:Breath - Limits
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G088:Bow - Limits
Magdalena Nowatkowska - Borrowed Images
Bodily strings VIII
Bodily strings VII
Bodily strings VI
Bodily strings V
Bodily strings IV
Magdalena Nowatkowska - Limits - G101: Bodily strings III - Summer
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G087:Bodily strings II - Limits
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G086:Bodily strings I - Limits
Magdalena Nowatkowska - Limits - G103: Blue bodies
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G074 - Blue-eyed-Limits
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G037:Black sands - Limits
Beyond Borders
Magdalena Nowatkowska - Limits - G107: Bathroom
Back flip
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G057:Assurance - Limits
Angelic souls
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G091:Amber walk 2/2 - Limits
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G090:Amber walk 1/2 - Limits
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G048:Alarm - Limits
Magdalena Nowatkowska - Limits - G105: Agreement
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G034:Aging - Limits
Magdalena Nowatkowska - G065 - Against the wind - Limits
Magdalena Nowatkowska - Z001:Advertising space - Borrowed images