Portrait with Hope

A simple composition. The work is limited to a few solid colors and sharp lines, outlining the shape of a head against

a uniform background. The main object

is an abstract portrait,

with an exaggerated eye.


The dominant green of the background may symbolize hope or springtime regeneration, providing an optimistic backdrop for the main motif.


The large abstract eye conveys a sense of intensity in its gaze. The artist emphasizes the importance of sight

as a means of communication

and perception of the world. Increased

Series Limits
Year completed 2024
Autor Magdalena Nowatkowska
Technique Acrylic on cotton canvas

34 x 34 x 3.4 / 13.4 x 13.4 x 1.3 (framed)

30 x 30 x 2.3 cm / 11.7 x 11.7 x 0.9 (without frame)

Inventory G081
Availability available