Simple lines are a pure form in contrast with a bold color palette. The intense shade of red contrasts with the muted blue background. The shape of the letter “H” may symbolize connection, a bridge between two worlds or ideas.


In the context of the series title “Limits,” the work “H” is an invitation to reflect

on how we set and cross boundaries

in communication, in interpersonal relationships, or in our understanding

of the world. “H” encourages reflections on our individual and collective boundaries. It invites us to examine

what connects us and what divides us. 

Series Limits
Year completed 2023
Autor Magdalena Nowatkowska
Technique Acrylic on cotton canvas

54 x 54 x 4 cm / 21.3 x 21.4 x 1.6 (framed)

50 x 50 x 2 cm / 19.7 x 19.7 x 0.8 (without frame)

Inventory G044
Availability in private collection